Area 51, Rainier Cherries, Early Robbins, About Us, Aspen...and much more - - eat simply! live well! - enews
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In this issue:
Rainier Cherries

Early Robins

Foods for Aspen

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Recipes of the Week

semi-sweet chips
Coconut Milk
Brown Rice
Drinking Chocolate

Black Rice Fabulous!
Sometimes called "Forbidden Rice," Chinese black rice is a black, medium-grain rice that turns a beautiful deep purple after cooking. Its mellow flavor and sticky texture makes it excellent for either savory or sweet dishes (black rice pudding!), although in Taiwan and mainland China, it's most often used for desserts.
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shop now for rainier cherries We were blindfolded ...
We were blindfolded as we were driven down the road towards the orchard known as "Area 51." We made a hard turn to the right and, clearly, we were now traveling over rough, dirt roads - as we lurched and lunged about in the bed of the pickup truck. Then, as quickly as the road had turned rough, the ride smoothed out again, and we could smell the trees and felt the air turn moist, as the sounds of the truck were muffled out and a quiet settled in.

We felt the truck pull to a stop and Mark removed our blindfolds. Our eyes took in what we had already smelled. Long rows of cherry trees, in tight rows, on an undulating terrain that rose in elevation ending at a rock wall that stood high above us.

As we walked into the grove, Mark (5th generation cherry farmer) and his father, Keith, told us a little about this very special place. One family has owned this orchard for as long as the trees had been standing, and it is known for producing especially large fruit.

The first thing I noticed were the size of the trunks, massive in size compared to all the cherry trees I have seen up to this point. The low canopy of branches were covered with Rainier cherries looking exceptionally big and juicy.

Mark showed me the sizing of the cherries - already an 8 on this day. He expected them to grow at least another half a size more before they were to be picked - some time in the next 5 to 10 days. The cherries already sized "off-the-charts," and even more impressive in a year when many cherries may come in as 11's and 10's! (When it comes to fresh cherries, the smaller the number the bigger the fruit.)

Historically, almost all of the fruit from this orchard goes to the highest bidder, usually to Taiwan. Because this is a new relationship for us, we have to be on our best behavior. But I couldn’t control myself; I blurt out that our fruit customers would jump at the chance to get such magnificent fruit!

They have agreed to let us sell a little of this amazing grove of Cherries to you all!

** By the way, though the words are fictitious ... the ambiance of how cool this experience was is accurate. This was one special orchard, and we felt very lucky to get the opportunity to walk amongst the trees.

Shop now for summers finest cherries!

shop now for ingredients About Us
As a company born out of the dot-com boom/bust, we started with big ideas that had little to do with food, and more to do with money. As it turns out, the money thing didn't work out, but the food thing did!

Building business plans and fostering the next "big idea" is always fun and a great way to test one's imagination. In the process, you try to put your ideas to paper and try to write your elevator pitch, of sorts. But, when you care about something so passionately, somehow whatever you write never quite says what you want. A friend of mine wrote this, and I think it describes our passion well.

There are many reasons to "eat" with us, and hopefully you will find a new reason to join us at the "table" more often.

Thanks for all the patronage,

From around the block to around the world, is bringing the local village to the global village.

We have been supporting the small family-owned, artisan producers who carry-on old traditions while creating new ones since 1997. It is these people who keep us close to the ground, and close to the roots of where food comes from. It is this creation of these original foods that are fighting off the continued growth of the commercialization and mechanization of food production.

At ChefShop, we live by the purity and freshness of our ingredients. We explore the countryside to find the perfect Rainier cherry, harvested at its peak of sweet, juicy lusciousness. Or, the most delectable chutney, balancing exotic spices with tart, pungent, and fruity flavors. And, we know that delicious, quality food nourishes our bodies and our minds in equal measure.

But, the quality of our food doesn't tell the whole story. Because, we also care deeply about the farmer and the artisan who share freshly harvested emmer and individually dipped chocolates with us. We care about supporting family farms and preserving food traditions. And, we care about sustaining small purveyors by bringing their handcrafted products to market.

When you buy from, you are getting the purest foods made by family producers whom we've individually selected for the quality of their ingredients and their adherence to tradition. It's mouth-watering food born from passion and commitment.

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ingredients for Aspen Food and Wine Classic 2011

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The Best New Chefs in Aspen
At about this time next week, I will be in Aspen photographing behind the scenes at one of the finest annual Chef Food Events in the country. The Food and Wine Classic in Aspen, is a fantastic place to see and even meet some of the greatest chefs in the country.

We have been supplying some of the specialty foods and ingredients to the "Classic" over the last ten years. Here are some of the foods that were requested by the chefs this year in a category we have called, Aspen.

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Meyer Lemon
Tasting Notes: 2010 harvest
Meyer Lemon Olive Oil. This years oil shows a softness, a bit of good olive oil bitterness on the edges of the tongue, and full round flavor that is rich in sweet Meyer Lemon.

A complex oil that brings a freshness of fresh pressed citrus and olive together in a wonderful combination. Though Albert thinks that perhaps this is the most lemony oil yet, I think it is the most pronounced lemon AND the most pronounced olive together, ever! A subtle, but important, difference in that this oil shows and shares its roots very nicely. Not just a blend, but an olive oil which has personality that includes lemon.

This gorgeous oil is perfect for drizzling over fresh or grilled vegetables or fish - it perectly enhances halibut, sea bass and even wild salmon. It can even stand alone as a salad dressing with a pinch of fleur de sel and a grind of fresh pepper. Try it with an Israeli-style chopped salad: diced shallots, cucumber and tomato tossed with lemon oil and salt and pepper.

Olive Oil Shop Now for Lemon Olive Oil!


Shipping soon - Fresh, Washington Cherries
Cherry season is here. Although likely late this year, it's time to order your washington state cherries. Early Robins, Rainiers, Bings, Lapins, and Sweethearts, start you season off early, and don't stop eating until the very last, luscious, red, cherry-liscious drop. Click to meet the cherries in a short video.

Copper River Salmon is Running!
Order soon, Kings only have a few weeks left before they are done. The Sockeye should last for a few weeks longer. We have been testing and the salmon is superb as always. We have been cooking with Mangalitsa Bacon as a "put-it-over-the-top" dish!

Cooking Ingredient Class Updates

Summer Fruit Desserts
It's the height of summer, and the farmer's markets and grocery stores are just bursting with scrumptious-looking store fruits. To pass them up would be criminal - after all, cherries and plums come but once a year. But how many cherries and plums and pluots can we realistically consume out of hand, with out regretting it later?

Grill Like a Pro
Looking to expand your grilling repertoire but not sure where to start? A grilling class might be just the thing. From seafood to steak to vegetables, we'll have you grillin' like a pro with a variety of tasty international grilling sauces, rubs, and marinades.

Cooking in the French Countryside
Some of France's most famous food has its roots in rustic, regional fare. In this class you'll learn how to make dishes that are typical of this French "country" style: unfussy and soul-satisfying.

This Weeks Recipes

Bobby Flay recipe for Meyer Lemon Dressing for Salmon

I made a quick Black Nile Barley Summer Salad today to bring to my son's potluck picnic. So easy and quick, and the salad was the hit of the picnic.

This recipe originally came from La Cucina Italiana Magazine. So easy and elegant, and perfect for this raspberry season.

See what you missed in previous Newsletters

Bitters for Cooking, Olives for Cocktails, Pasta, Recipes & More

Amazing Deal Caviar, Maui Ribs, Copper River Salmon

Katz Late Harvest Viognier Honey Vinegar Toll-free: 1-800-596-0885 Forward to a Friend facebook
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